Friday 5 September 2014

Jose Luis Acanda Montano Trained With Hector Lombard

Jose Luis Acanda Montano was born and brought up in Cuba, but in 2004 he moved to America. He is a skilled personal trainer with specialization in 4 degree tae kwon do. He has 3 siblings, including 2 sisters and 1 brother. Joaquin Palacios, his principal trainer in Cuba had given him the best advice, which was to help people always and to do the right things in life. He was also trained by the elite Cuban Sports Federation in Olympic-style tae kwon do. During his childhood, he wanted to become an honest and a successful police officer, but as he grew older his likes changed and he developed a great interest in martial arts.

When Jose Luis Acanda Montano was a small child, his hero was Fidel Castro, but now he looks up to every individual who takes care of his or her family and strives hard to improve the lifestyle. When he was living in Cuba, he was a friend with Hector Lombard who is a famous UFC fighter these days.  Whenever he finds some free time from his busy schedule, Jose likes to spend good time with his family at the parks and beside the rivers in Fredericksburg. He says that a person who has good confidence level and is a hard worker can establish a business in the United States of America, and can become successful in his or her niche. He recommends businessmen to read  "Rework" , a business book, which was written by David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried. He likes this book because it is all about common sense.

Since many years  Jose Luis Acanda Montano has been giving tae kwon do training to students of all age groups. He loves the little communities that he has built, which include kickboxing and jiujitsu students, tae kwon do families, and Heart to the Sky Yoga Space devotees. He is a great master in martial arts and has won many national  and international level tournaments. Additionally, he has won Virginia State Championship once, and National Championship for 4 times.

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